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Find your financial freedom point and secure the future you want.

Prospect Wealth can help you get the best outcome - for you and your investments.


Find your financial freedom point and secure the future you want.

Prospect Wealth can help you get the best outcome - for you and your investments.


Prospect Wealth helps you achieve your vision for the future by establishing your unique 'freedom point'. 

This 'freedom point' is where you find your financial peace - whether it’s identifying what you need to retire on and how to get there OR, once you are retired, achieving an optimum income from the funds you have. 

Finding the ‘freedom point’ gives you financial peace knowing that you have done the best with what you have, both time and money. 

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Managing your investments with confidence.

Our processes are designed with you in mind to give you total confidence that your investments are in great hands.

Managing your investments with confidence.

Our processes are designed with you in mind to give you total confidence that your investments are in great hands.


Understanding you

Understanding your unique goals and situation is at the core of everything we do. We listen carefully to truly determine what drives you and what you want to achieve in the future to tailor a solution and investment plan that fits your needs.

Wide industry knowledge

Investment markets can be complicated. We work alongside investment and service providers to understand their individual strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to assemble an investment service and a portfolio that best suits you.

Understanding market fluctuation

We’re there for you when the investment markets get unsettled. Sometimes it’s best to sit tight when the markets waver; other times, changes to your portfolio may be required. In these times we listen and assess your concerns, examine implications to your portfolio and together, devise the best course of action.  

On the flip side, when all is rosy and everything we've done has turned to gold, we will remind you about the pitfalls of being too greedy.


The best results are achieved through teamwork. We work collaboratively with you, our investment and service providers,  and the regulators,  to achieve the best outcome for you and your portfolio.

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Working with you to get the best outcome

We're committed to building a close relationship with you. Think personal, but with personality.

Working with you to get the best outcome

We're committed to building a close relationship with you. Think personal, but with personality.

Prospect Wealth’s sole focus is the best financial outcome for its clients.   

We get to know you on a personal level to pinpoint what drives you and and what goals you have for the future. Together,  we work closely to identify your investment needs.  We will analyse your assets and sources of income, review any shortfalls and identify the optimum way to reach your goals, given your specific financial situation and risk tolerance.

Greg McGlynn

BMS, Financial Adviser


Greg McGlynn brings a significant amount of experience, technical skill and knowledge to the business with over 30 years experience in the banking and investment industry. After working with investment providers for the majority of his career, he now devotes his energy to helping individual clients reach their 'freedom point'.

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Greg has been awarded the designation of Trusted Adviser by Financial Advice New Zealand in recognition of his high level of qualification, experience and ethics.


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We advise you that:

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Privacy: Click here to read our Privacy Statement. This brief statement will help you to understand what personal information we collect, how we use it, and who we share it with. If you want to see more information about our privacy policy, click here to read our detailed Privacy Policy.